
Tulevik on möödas

Ivan Võrõpajev : Tamur Tohver
Tulevik on möödas


Esietendus Tallinna Linnahalli Jäähall, 28. september 2009

Etendusest lähemalt

ivan võrõpajev : uned : valentini päev
Aeg on üks. Sest aeg on kogu aeg. Valentin kohtab Valentinat, nad armuvad, on aasta 1970 ja ees ootab kosmos. Nagu ikka. Siis tekib nende ellu Katja, kes sõidab Moskva ja Vladivastoki vahet ja armastab ujuda tiigis. Mitte nagu Valentin, kes ujub basseinis, mille asemel oli enne kirik… Nagu ikka. 40 aastat hiljem on Valentin surnud, naised mitte.  Nagu ikka. Aga neil on Valentini kaheraudne, kus on kaks laengut- päris ja paukpadrun… Kas tegevus viib tulemuseni? Kas peab otsustama, kui ei taha? Kui ei taba hetke? Mitu elu on meile antud? Kas tulevik on juba möödas? Keegi kasvab me sees, aga kes see on- ei või iial teada. Etendus toimus Tallinna Linnahalli Jäähallis. Minevik 80ndatest, näide kaduvast tulevikust, lagunev areen püüdlustele…
THE FUTURE IS PAST Based on Ivan Võropajev’s plays „Dreams“ and „Valentin’s day“ a stage piece is created, which, by using storytelling and theater-like presentation, moves in different plains in the beginning. Because the time is one. Because time is all the time. Valentin meets Valentina, they fall in love, it is the year 1970 and cosmos awaits. As usual. Then Katja comes into their life. She rides between Moscow and Vladivostok and loves to swim in a pond. Not like Valentin, who swims in a pool, where there once used to be a church… As usual. 40 years later Valentin is dead and the women are not. But they have Valentin’s double-barrelled rifle with two rounds of ammunition, one real and one blank…Age-old questions left unanswered: does striving for a purpose bring results? What happens when we don’t sieze the moment? Is it necessary to make a decision, when you don’t want to? How many lives have we been given? And it grows within us, but who it is, we shall never know. Is the future already gone?The performance took place in Tallinn City Hall Ice Arena. The past from the 80s, an example of a disappearing future, a collapsing arena for pursuits…
full lenght dvd and english script available